PLZ "Behind the Label"
Brand Film
Big Teeth had some fun in taking factories and industry and giving them a pulse and humanity by introducing the many people across North America that play a role in PLZ's success. We were able to share the voices from 18 different facilities and create a unified voice as well as use some cool direction to create that feeling even further.
Client: PLZ Corp
Executive Producer: Elise Jaffe
Director/Editor: Gregg Jaffe
Producer: Cecilia Butler
Writer: Gregg Jaffe
Director of Photography: Andrew Block, Sam Ott, John Beatty, Carlos Garcia, Gregory Bennett, Chris Kimling, Austin McCardie
Grip & Electric: Mason Countney, John Schulte, Jacob Schermerhorn, Trevor Robertson, Bryan Bailey, Phillip McCardie, Allen Childress
Color Grade: Quicksilver Color
Sound Mix: Bryan Ward
Motion Graphics: Brian Davis